
Namespace: UAssetAPI.UnrealTypes

Transform composed of Scale, Rotation (as a quaternion), and Translation. Transforms can be used to convert from one space to another, for example by transforming positions and directions from local space to world space.

Transformation of position vectors is applied in the order: Scale -> Rotate -> Translate. Transformation of direction vectors is applied in the order: Scale -> Rotate.

Order matters when composing transforms: C = A * B will yield a transform C that logically first applies A then B to any subsequent transformation. Note that this is the opposite order of quaternion (FQuat) multiplication.

Example: LocalToWorld = (DeltaRotation * LocalToWorld) will change rotation in local space by DeltaRotation. Example: LocalToWorld = (LocalToWorld * DeltaRotation) will change rotation in world space by DeltaRotation.

public struct FTransform

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeFTransform



Rotation of this transformation, as a quaternion

public FQuat Rotation;


Translation of this transformation, as a vector.

public FVector Translation;


3D scale (always applied in local space) as a vector.

public FVector Scale3D;


FTransform(FQuat, FVector, FVector)

FTransform(FQuat rotation, FVector translation, FVector scale3D)


rotation FQuat

translation FVector

scale3D FVector