
Namespace: UAssetAPI.CustomVersions

Custom serialization version for changes made in Release streams.

public enum FReleaseObjectVersion

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumFReleaseObjectVersion
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


BeforeCustomVersionWasAdded0Before any version changes were made
StaticMeshExtendedBoundsFix1Static Mesh extended bounds radius fix
NoSyncAsyncPhysAsset2Physics asset bodies are either in the sync scene or the async scene, but not both
LevelTransArrayConvertedToTArray3ULevel was using TTransArray incorrectly (serializing the entire array in addition to individual mutations). converted to a TArray
AddComponentNodeTemplateUniqueNames4Add Component node templates now use their own unique naming scheme to ensure more reliable archetype lookups.
UPropertryForMeshSectionSerialize5Fix a serialization issue with static mesh FMeshSectionInfoMap FProperty
ConvertHLODScreenSize6Existing HLOD settings screen size to screen area conversion
SpeedTreeBillboardSectionInfoFixup7Adding mesh section info data for existing billboard LOD models
EventSectionParameterStringAssetRef8Change FMovieSceneEventParameters::StructType to be a string asset reference from a TWeakObjectPtr UScriptStruct
SkyLightRemoveMobileIrradianceMap9Remove serialized irradiance map data from skylight.
RenameNoTwistToAllowTwistInTwoBoneIK10rename bNoTwist to bAllowTwist
MaterialLayersParameterSerializationRefactor11Material layers serialization refactor
AddSkeletalMeshSectionDisable12Added disable flag to skeletal mesh data
RemovedMaterialSharedInputCollection13Removed objects that were serialized as part of this material feature
HISMCClusterTreeMigration14HISMC Cluster Tree migration to add new data
PinDefaultValuesVerified15Default values on pins in blueprints could be saved incoherently
FixBrokenStateMachineReferencesInTransitionGetters16During copy and paste transition getters could end up with broken state machine references
MeshDescriptionNewSerialization17Change to MeshDescription serialization
UnclampRGBColorCurves18Change to not clamp RGB values > 1 on linear color curves
LinkTimeAnimBlueprintRootDiscoveryBugFix19BugFix for FAnimObjectVersion::LinkTimeAnimBlueprintRootDiscovery.
TrailNodeBlendVariableNameChange20Change trail anim node variable deprecation
PropertiesSerializeRepCondition21Make sure the Blueprint Replicated Property Conditions are actually serialized properly.
FocalDistanceDisablesDOF22DepthOfFieldFocalDistance at 0 now disables DOF instead of DepthOfFieldFstop at 0.
Unused_SoundClass2DReverbSend23Removed versioning, but version entry must still exist to keep assets saved with this version loadable
GroomAssetVersion124Groom asset version
GroomAssetVersion225Groom asset version
SerializeAnimModifierState26Store applied version of Animation Modifier to use when reverting
GroomAssetVersion327Groom asset version
DeprecateFilmbackSettings28Upgrade filmback
CustomImplicitCollisionType29custom collision type
FFieldPathOwnerSerialization30FFieldPath will serialize the owner struct reference and only a short path to its property
ReleaseUE4VersionFixup31Dummy version to allow us to Fix up the fact that ReleaseObjectVersion was changed elsewhere
PinTypeIncludesUObjectWrapperFlag32Pin types include a flag that propagates the 'CPF_UObjectWrapper' flag to generated properties
WeightFMeshToMeshVertData33Added Weight member to FMeshToMeshVertData
AnimationGraphNodeBindingsDisplayedAsPins34Animation graph node bindings displayed as pins
SerializeRigVMOffsetSegmentPaths35Serialized rigvm offset segment paths
AbcVelocitiesSupport36Upgrade AbcGeomCacheImportSettings for velocities
MarginAddedToConvexAndBox37Add margin support to Chaos Convex
StructureDataAddedToConvex38Add structure data to Chaos Convex
AddedFrontRightUpAxesToLiveLinkPreProcessor39Changed axis UI for LiveLink AxisSwitch Pre Processor
FixupCopiedEventSections40Some sequencer event sections that were copy-pasted left broken links to the director BP
RemoteControlSerializeFunctionArgumentsSize41Serialize the number of bytes written when serializing function arguments
AddedSubSequenceEntryWarpCounter42Add loop counters to sequencer's compiled sub-sequence data
LonglatTextureCubeDefaultMaxResolution43Remove default resolution limit of 512 pixels for cubemaps generated from long-lat sources