
Namespace: UAssetAPI.CustomVersions

Custom serialization version for changes made in Dev-Editor stream.

public enum FEditorObjectVersion

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumFEditorObjectVersion
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


BeforeCustomVersionWasAdded0Before any version changes were made
GatheredTextProcessVersionFlagging1Localizable text gathered and stored in packages is now flagged with a localizable text gathering process version
GatheredTextPackageCacheFixesV12Fixed several issues with the gathered text cache stored in package headers
RootMetaDataSupport3Added support for "root" meta-data (meta-data not associated with a particular object in a package)
GatheredTextPackageCacheFixesV24Fixed issues with how Blueprint bytecode was cached
TextFormatArgumentDataIsVariant5Updated FFormatArgumentData to allow variant data to be marshaled from a BP into C++
SplineComponentCurvesInStruct6Changes to SplineComponent
ComboBoxControllerSupportUpdate7Updated ComboBox to support toggling the menu open, better controller support
RefactorMeshEditorMaterials8Refactor mesh editor materials
AddedFontFaceAssets9Added UFontFace assets
UPropertryForMeshSection10Add UPROPERTY for TMap of Mesh section, so the serialize will be done normally (and export to text will work correctly)
WidgetGraphSchema11Update the schema of all widget blueprints to use the WidgetGraphSchema
AddedBackgroundBlurContentSlot12Added a specialized content slot to the background blur widget
StableUserDefinedEnumDisplayNames13Updated UserDefinedEnums to have stable keyed display names
AddedInlineFontFaceAssets14Added "Inline" option to UFontFace assets
UPropertryForMeshSectionSerialize15Fix a serialization issue with static mesh FMeshSectionInfoMap FProperty
FastWidgetTemplates16Adding a version bump for the new fast widget construction in case of problems.
MaterialThumbnailRenderingChanges17Update material thumbnails to be more intelligent on default primitive shape for certain material types
NewSlateClippingSystem18Introducing a new clipping system for Slate/UMG
MovieSceneMetaDataSerialization19MovieScene Meta Data added as native Serialization
GatheredTextEditorOnlyPackageLocId20Text gathered from properties now adds two variants: a version without the package localization ID (for use at runtime), and a version with it (which is editor-only)
AddedAlwaysSignNumberFormattingOption21Added AlwaysSign to FNumberFormattingOptions
AddedMaterialSharedInputs22Added additional objects that must be serialized as part of this new material feature
AddedMorphTargetSectionIndices23Added morph target section indices
SerializeInstancedStaticMeshRenderData24Serialize the instanced static mesh render data, to avoid building it at runtime
MeshDescriptionNewSerialization_MovedToRelease25Change to MeshDescription serialization (moved to release)
MeshDescriptionNewAttributeFormat26New format for mesh description attributes
ChangeSceneCaptureRootComponent27Switch root component of SceneCapture actors from MeshComponent to SceneComponent
StaticMeshDeprecatedRawMesh28StaticMesh serializes MeshDescription instead of RawMesh
MeshDescriptionBulkDataGuid29MeshDescriptionBulkData contains a Guid used as a DDC key
MeshDescriptionRemovedHoles30Change to MeshDescription serialization (removed FMeshPolygon::HoleContours)
ChangedWidgetComponentWindowVisibilityDefault31Change to the WidgetCompoent WindowVisibilty default value
CultureInvariantTextSerializationKeyStability32Avoid keying culture invariant display strings during serialization to avoid non-deterministic cooking issues
ScrollBarThicknessChange33Change to UScrollBar and UScrollBox thickness property (removed implicit padding of 2, so thickness value must be incremented by 4).
RemoveLandscapeHoleMaterial34Deprecated LandscapeHoleMaterial
MeshDescriptionTriangles35MeshDescription defined by triangles instead of arbitrary polygons
ComputeWeightedNormals36Add weighted area and angle when computing the normals
SkeletalMeshBuildRefactor37SkeletalMesh now can be rebuild in editor, no more need to re-import
SkeletalMeshMoveEditorSourceDataToPrivateAsset38Move all SkeletalMesh source data into a private uasset in the same package has the skeletalmesh
NumberParsingOptionsNumberLimitsAndClamping39Parse text only if the number is inside the limits of its type
SkeletalMeshSourceDataSupport16bitOfMaterialNumber40Make sure we can have more then 255 material in the skeletal mesh source data