
Namespace: UAssetAPI.CustomVersions

Custom serialization version for changes made in Dev-AnimPhys stream

public enum FAnimPhysObjectVersion

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumFAnimPhysObjectVersion
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


BeforeCustomVersionWasAdded0Before any version changes were made
ConvertAnimNodeLookAtAxis1convert animnode look at to use just default axis instead of enum, which doesn't do much
BoxSphylElemsUseRotators2Change FKSphylElem and FKBoxElem to use Rotators not Quats for easier editing
ThumbnailSceneInfoAndAssetImportDataAreTransactional3Change thumbnail scene info and asset import data to be transactional
AddedClothingMaskWorkflow4Enabled clothing masks rather than painting parameters directly
RemoveUIDFromSmartNameSerialize5Remove UID from smart name serialize, it just breaks determinism
CreateTargetReference6Convert FName Socket to FSocketReference and added TargetReference that support bone and socket
TuneSoftLimitStiffnessAndDamping7Tune soft limit stiffness and damping coefficients
FixInvalidClothParticleMasses8Fix possible inf/nans in clothing particle masses
CacheClothMeshInfluences9Moved influence count to cached data
SmartNameRefactorForDeterministicCooking10Remove GUID from Smart Names entirely + remove automatic name fixup
RenameDisableAnimCurvesToAllowAnimCurveEvaluation11rename the variable and allow individual curves to be set
AddLODToCurveMetaData12link curve to LOD, so curve metadata has to include LODIndex
FixupBadBlendProfileReferences13Fixed blend profile references persisting after paste when they aren't compatible
AllowMultipleAudioPluginSettings14Allowing multiple audio plugin settings
ChangeRetargetSourceReferenceToSoftObjectPtr15Change RetargetSource reference to SoftObjectPtr
SaveEditorOnlyFullPoseForPoseAsset16Save editor only full pose for pose asset
GeometryCacheAssetDeprecation17Asset change and cleanup to facilitate new streaming system