
Namespace: UAssetAPI.UnrealTypes

Flags associated with each property in a class, overriding the property's default behavior.

public enum EPropertyFlags

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumEPropertyFlags
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


CPF_Edit1Property is user-settable in the editor.
CPF_ConstParm2This is a constant function parameter
CPF_BlueprintVisible4This property can be read by blueprint code
CPF_ExportObject8Object can be exported with actor.
CPF_BlueprintReadOnly16This property cannot be modified by blueprint code
CPF_Net32Property is relevant to network replication.
CPF_EditFixedSize64Indicates that elements of an array can be modified, but its size cannot be changed.
CPF_Parm128Function/When call parameter.
CPF_OutParm256Value is copied out after function call.
CPF_ZeroConstructor512memset is fine for construction
CPF_ReturnParm1024Return value.
CPF_DisableEditOnTemplate2048Disable editing of this property on an archetype/sub-blueprint
CPF_Transient8192Property is transient: shouldn't be saved or loaded, except for Blueprint CDOs.
CPF_Config16384Property should be loaded/saved as permanent profile.
CPF_DisableEditOnInstance65536Disable editing on an instance of this class
CPF_EditConst131072Property is uneditable in the editor.
CPF_GlobalConfig262144Load config from base class, not subclass.
CPF_InstancedReference524288Property is a component references.
CPF_DuplicateTransient2097152Property should always be reset to the default value during any type of duplication (copy/paste, binary duplication, etc.)
CPF_SaveGame16777216Property should be serialized for save games, this is only checked for game-specific archives with ArIsSaveGame
CPF_NoClear33554432Hide clear (and browse) button.
CPF_ReferenceParm134217728Value is passed by reference; CPF_OutParam and CPF_Param should also be set.
CPF_BlueprintAssignable268435456MC Delegates only. Property should be exposed for assigning in blueprint code
CPF_Deprecated536870912Property is deprecated. Read it from an archive, but don't save it.
CPF_IsPlainOldData1073741824If this is set, then the property can be memcopied instead of CopyCompleteValue / CopySingleValue
CPF_RepSkip2147483648Not replicated. For non replicated properties in replicated structs
CPF_RepNotify4294967296Notify actors when a property is replicated
CPF_Interp8589934592interpolatable property for use with matinee
CPF_NonTransactional17179869184Property isn't transacted
CPF_EditorOnly34359738368Property should only be loaded in the editor
CPF_NoDestructor68719476736No destructor
CPF_AutoWeak274877906944Only used for weak pointers, means the export type is autoweak
CPF_ContainsInstancedReference549755813888Property contains component references.
CPF_AssetRegistrySearchable1099511627776asset instances will add properties with this flag to the asset registry automatically
CPF_SimpleDisplay2199023255552The property is visible by default in the editor details view
CPF_AdvancedDisplay4398046511104The property is advanced and not visible by default in the editor details view
CPF_Protected8796093022208property is protected from the perspective of script
CPF_BlueprintCallable17592186044416MC Delegates only. Property should be exposed for calling in blueprint code
CPF_BlueprintAuthorityOnly35184372088832MC Delegates only. This delegate accepts (only in blueprint) only events with BlueprintAuthorityOnly.
CPF_TextExportTransient70368744177664Property shouldn't be exported to text format (e.g. copy/paste)
CPF_NonPIEDuplicateTransient140737488355328Property should only be copied in PIE
CPF_ExposeOnSpawn281474976710656Property is exposed on spawn
CPF_PersistentInstance562949953421312A object referenced by the property is duplicated like a component. (Each actor should have an own instance.)
CPF_UObjectWrapper1125899906842624Property was parsed as a wrapper class like TSubclassOf T, FScriptInterface etc., rather than a USomething*
CPF_HasGetValueTypeHash2251799813685248This property can generate a meaningful hash value.
CPF_NativeAccessSpecifierPublic4503599627370496Public native access specifier
CPF_NativeAccessSpecifierProtected9007199254740992Protected native access specifier
CPF_NativeAccessSpecifierPrivate18014398509481984Private native access specifier
CPF_SkipSerialization36028797018963968Property shouldn't be serialized, can still be exported to text