
Namespace: UAssetAPI.CustomVersions

Custom serialization version for changes made in the //Fortnite/Main stream.

public enum FFortniteMainBranchObjectVersion

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumFFortniteMainBranchObjectVersion
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


BeforeCustomVersionWasAdded0Before any version changes were made
WorldCompositionTile3DOffset1World composition tile offset changed from 2d to 3d
MaterialInstanceSerializeOptimization_ShaderFName2Minor material serialization optimization
CullDistanceRefactor_RemovedDefaultDistance3Refactored cull distances to account for HLOD, explicit override and globals in priority
SaveGeneratedMorphTargetByEngine6Support to remove morphtarget generated by bRemapMorphtarget
ConvertReductionSettingOptions7Convert reduction setting options
StaticParameterTerrainLayerWeightBlendType8Serialize the type of blending used for landscape layer weight static params
FixUpNoneNameAnimationCurves9Fix up None Named animation curve names,
EnsureActiveBoneIndicesToContainParents10Ensure ActiveBoneIndices to have parents even not skinned for old assets
SerializeInstancedStaticMeshRenderData11Serialize the instanced static mesh render data, to avoid building it at runtime
CachedMaterialQualityNodeUsage12Cache material quality node usage
FontOutlineDropShadowFixup13Font outlines no longer apply to drop shadows for new objects but we maintain the opposite way for backwards compat
NewSkeletalMeshImporterWorkflow14New skeletal mesh import workflow (Geometry only or animation only re-import )
NewLandscapeMaterialPerLOD15Migrate data from previous data structure to new one to support materials per LOD on the Landscape
RemoveUnnecessaryTracksFromPose16New Pose Asset data type
FoliageLazyObjPtrToSoftObjPtr17Migrate Foliage TLazyObjectPtr to TSoftObjectPtr
REVERTED_StoreTimelineNamesInTemplate18TimelineTemplates store their derived names instead of dynamically generating. This code tied to this version was reverted and redone at a later date
AddBakePoseOverrideForSkeletalMeshReductionSetting19Added BakePoseOverride for LOD setting
StoreTimelineNamesInTemplate20TimelineTemplates store their derived names instead of dynamically generating
WidgetStopDuplicatingAnimations21New Pose Asset data type
AllowSkeletalMeshToReduceTheBaseLOD22Allow reducing of the base LOD, we need to store some imported model data so we can reduce again from the same data.
ShrinkCurveTableSize23Curve Table size reduction
WidgetAnimationDefaultToSelfFail24Widgets upgraded with WidgetStopDuplicatingAnimations, may not correctly default-to-self for the widget parameter.
FortHUDElementNowRequiresTag25HUDWidgets now require an element tag
FortMappedCookedAnimation26Animation saved as bulk data when cooked
SupportVirtualBoneInRetargeting27Support Virtual Bone in Retarget Manager
FixUpWaterMetadata28Fixup bad defaults in water metadata
MoveWaterMetadataToActor29Move the location of water metadata
ReplaceLakeCollision30Replaced lake collision component
AnimLayerGuidConformation31Anim layer node names are now conformed by Guid
MakeOceanCollisionTransient32Ocean collision component has become dynamic
FFieldPathOwnerSerialization33FFieldPath will serialize the owner struct reference and only a short path to its property
FixUpUnderwaterPostProcessMaterial34Simplified WaterBody post process material handling
SupportMultipleWaterBodiesPerExclusionVolume35A single water exclusion volume can now exclude N water bodies
RigVMByteCodeDeterminism36Serialize rigvm operators one by one instead of the full byte code array to ensure determinism
LandscapePhysicalMaterialRenderData37Serialize the physical materials generated by the render material
FixupRuntimeVirtualTextureVolume38RuntimeVirtualTextureVolume fix transforms
FixUpRiverCollisionComponents39Retrieve water body collision components that were lost in cooked builds
FixDuplicateRiverSplineMeshCollisionComponents40Fix duplicate spline mesh components on rivers
ContainsStableActorGUIDs41Indicates level has stable actor guids
LevelsetSerializationSupportForBodySetup42Levelset Serialization support for BodySetup.
ChaosSolverPropertiesMoved43Moving Chaos solver properties to allow them to exist in the project physics settings
GameFeatureData_MovedComponentListAndCheats44Moving some UFortGameFeatureData properties and behaviors into the UGameFeatureAction pattern
ChaosClothAddfictitiousforces45Add centrifugal forces for cloth
ChaosConvexVariableStructureDataAndVerticesArray46Chaos Convex StructureData supports different index sizes based on num verts/planes. Chaos FConvex uses array of FVec3s for vertices instead of particles (Merged from //UE4/Main)
RemoveLandscapeWaterInfo47Remove the WaterVelocityHeightTexture dependency on MPC_Landscape and LandscapeWaterIndo
ChaosClothAddWeightedValue48Added the weighted value property type to store the cloths weight maps' low/high ranges
ChaosClothAddTetherStiffnessWeightMap49Added the Long Range Attachment stiffness weight map
ChaosClothFixLODTransitionMaps50Fix corrupted LOD transition maps
ChaosClothAddTetherScaleAndDragLiftWeightMaps51Enable a few more weight maps to better art direct the cloth simulation
ChaosClothAddMaterialWeightMaps52Enable material (edge, bending, and area stiffness) weight maps
SerializeFloatChannelShowCurve53Added bShowCurve for movie scene float channel serialization
LandscapeGrassSingleArray54Minimize slack waste by using a single array for grass data
AddedSubSequenceEntryWarpCounter55Add loop counters to sequencer's compiled sub-sequence data
WaterBodyComponentRefactor56Water plugin is now component-based rather than actor based
BPGCCookedEditorTags57Cooked BPGC storing editor-only asset tags
TerrainLayerWeightsAreNotParameters58Terrain layer weights are no longer considered material parameters
GravityOverrideDefinedInWorldSpace59Anim Dynamics Node Gravity Override vector is now defined in world space, not simulation space.
Legacy behavior can be maintained with a flag, which is set false by default for new nodes,
true for nodes predating this change.