
Namespace: UAssetAPI.CustomVersions

Custom serialization version for changes made in Dev-Framework stream.

public enum FFrameworkObjectVersion

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumFFrameworkObjectVersion
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


BeforeCustomVersionWasAdded0Before any version changes were made
UseBodySetupCollisionProfile1BodySetup's default instance collision profile is used by default when creating a new instance.
AnimBlueprintSubgraphFix2Regenerate subgraph arrays correctly in animation blueprints to remove duplicates and add missing graphs that appear read only when edited
MeshSocketScaleUtilization3Static and skeletal mesh sockets now use the specified scale
ExplicitAttachmentRules4Attachment rules are now explicit in how they affect location, rotation and scale
MoveCompressedAnimDataToTheDDC5Moved compressed anim data from uasset to the DDC
FixNonTransactionalPins6Some graph pins created using legacy code seem to have lost the RF_Transactional flag, which causes issues with undo. Restore the flag at this version
SmartNameRefactor7Create new struct for SmartName, and use that for CurveName
AddSourceReferenceSkeletonToRig8Add Reference Skeleton to Rig
ConstraintInstanceBehaviorParameters9Refactor ConstraintInstance so that we have an easy way to swap behavior paramters
PoseAssetSupportPerBoneMask10Pose Asset support mask per bone
PhysAssetUseSkeletalBodySetup11Physics Assets now use SkeletalBodySetup instead of BodySetup
RemoveSoundWaveCompressionName12Remove SoundWave CompressionName
AddInternalClothingGraphicalSkinning13Switched render data for clothing over to unreal data, reskinned to the simulation mesh
WheelOffsetIsFromWheel14Wheel force offset is now applied at the wheel instead of vehicle COM
MoveCurveTypesToSkeleton15Move curve metadata to be saved in skeleton. Individual asset still saves some flag - i.e. disabled curve and editable or not, but major flag - i.e. material types - moves to skeleton and handle in one place
CacheDestructibleOverlaps16Cache destructible overlaps on save
GeometryCacheMissingMaterials17Added serialization of materials applied to geometry cache objects
LODsUseResolutionIndependentScreenSize18Switch static and skeletal meshes to calculate LODs based on resolution-independent screen size
BlendSpacePostLoadSnapToGrid19Blend space post load verification
SupportBlendSpaceRateScale20Addition of rate scales to blend space samples
LODHysteresisUseResolutionIndependentScreenSize21LOD hysteresis also needs conversion from the LODsUseResolutionIndependentScreenSize version
ChangeAudioComponentOverrideSubtitlePriorityDefault22AudioComponent override subtitle priority default change
HardSoundReferences23Serialize hard references to sound files when possible
EnforceConstInAnimBlueprintFunctionGraphs24Enforce const correctness in Animation Blueprint function graphs
InputKeySelectorTextStyle25Upgrade the InputKeySelector to use a text style
EdGraphPinContainerType26Represent a pins container type as an enum not 3 independent booleans
ChangeAssetPinsToString27Switch asset pins to store as string instead of hard object reference
LocalVariablesBlueprintVisible28Fix Local Variables so that the properties are correctly flagged as blueprint visible
RemoveUField_Next29Stopped serializing UField_Next so that UFunctions could be serialized in dependently of a UClass in order to allow us to do all UFunction loading in a single pass (after classes and CDOs are created)
UserDefinedStructsBlueprintVisible30Fix User Defined structs so that all members are correct flagged blueprint visible
PinsStoreFName31FMaterialInput and FEdGraphPin store their name as FName instead of FString
UserDefinedStructsStoreDefaultInstance32User defined structs store their default instance, which is used for initializing instances
FunctionTerminatorNodesUseMemberReference33Function terminator nodes serialize an FMemberReference rather than a name/class pair
EditableEventsUseConstRefParameters34Custom event and non-native interface event implementations add 'const' to reference parameters
BlueprintGeneratedClassIsAlwaysAuthoritative35No longer serialize the legacy flag that indicates this state, as it is now implied since we don't serialize the skeleton CDO
EnforceBlueprintFunctionVisibility36Enforce visibility of blueprint functions - e.g. raise an error if calling a private function from another blueprint:
StoringUCSSerializationIndex37ActorComponents now store their serialization index