
Namespace: UAssetAPI.UnrealTypes

Flags describing a class.

public enum EClassFlags

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumEClassFlags
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


CLASS_None0No Flags
CLASS_Abstract1Class is abstract and can't be instantiated directly.
CLASS_DefaultConfig2Save object configuration only to Default INIs, never to local INIs. Must be combined with CLASS_Config
CLASS_Config4Load object configuration at construction time.
CLASS_Transient8This object type can't be saved; null it out at save time.
CLASS_Parsed16Successfully parsed.
CLASS_ProjectUserConfig64Indicates that the config settings for this class will be saved to Project/User*.ini (similar to CLASS_GlobalUserConfig)
CLASS_Native128Class is a native class - native interfaces will have CLASS_Native set, but not RF_MarkAsNative
CLASS_NoExport256Don't export to C++ header.
CLASS_NotPlaceable512Do not allow users to create in the editor.
CLASS_PerObjectConfig1024Handle object configuration on a per-object basis, rather than per-class.
CLASS_ReplicationDataIsSetUp2048Whether SetUpRuntimeReplicationData still needs to be called for this class
CLASS_EditInlineNew4096Class can be constructed from editinline New button.
CLASS_CollapseCategories8192Display properties in the editor without using categories.
CLASS_Interface16384Class is an interface
CLASS_CustomConstructor32768Do not export a constructor for this class, assuming it is in the cpptext
CLASS_Const65536All properties and functions in this class are const and should be exported as const
CLASS_LayoutChanging131072Class flag indicating the class is having its layout changed, and therefore is not ready for a CDO to be created
CLASS_CompiledFromBlueprint262144Indicates that the class was created from blueprint source material
CLASS_MinimalAPI524288Indicates that only the bare minimum bits of this class should be DLL exported/imported
CLASS_RequiredAPI1048576Indicates this class must be DLL exported/imported (along with all of it's members)
CLASS_DefaultToInstanced2097152Indicates that references to this class default to instanced. Used to be subclasses of UComponent, but now can be any UObject
CLASS_TokenStreamAssembled4194304Indicates that the parent token stream has been merged with ours.
CLASS_HasInstancedReference8388608Class has component properties.
CLASS_Hidden16777216Don't show this class in the editor class browser or edit inline new menus.
CLASS_Deprecated33554432Don't save objects of this class when serializing
CLASS_HideDropDown67108864Class not shown in editor drop down for class selection
CLASS_GlobalUserConfig134217728Class settings are saved to AppData/..../Blah.ini (as opposed to CLASS_DefaultConfig)
CLASS_Intrinsic268435456Class was declared directly in C++ and has no boilerplate generated by UnrealHeaderTool
CLASS_Constructed536870912Class has already been constructed (maybe in a previous DLL version before hot-reload).
CLASS_ConfigDoNotCheckDefaults1073741824Indicates that object configuration will not check against ini base/defaults when serialized
CLASS_NewerVersionExists2147483648Class has been consigned to oblivion as part of a blueprint recompile, and a newer version currently exists.