
Namespace: UAssetAPI.FieldTypes

Secondary condition to check before considering the replication of a lifetime property.

public enum ELifetimeCondition

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumELifetimeCondition
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


COND_None0This property has no condition, and will send anytime it changes
COND_InitialOnly1This property will only attempt to send on the initial bunch
COND_OwnerOnly2This property will only send to the actor's owner
COND_SkipOwner3This property send to every connection EXCEPT the owner
COND_SimulatedOnly4This property will only send to simulated actors
COND_AutonomousOnly5This property will only send to autonomous actors
COND_SimulatedOrPhysics6This property will send to simulated OR bRepPhysics actors
COND_InitialOrOwner7This property will send on the initial packet, or to the actors owner
COND_Custom8This property has no particular condition, but wants the ability to toggle on/off via SetCustomIsActiveOverride
COND_ReplayOrOwner9This property will only send to the replay connection, or to the actors owner
COND_ReplayOnly10This property will only send to the replay connection
COND_SimulatedOnlyNoReplay11This property will send to actors only, but not to replay connections
COND_SimulatedOrPhysicsNoReplay12This property will send to simulated Or bRepPhysics actors, but not to replay connections
COND_SkipReplay13This property will not send to the replay connection
COND_Never15This property will never be replicated