
Namespace: UAssetAPI.CustomVersions

Version used for serializing asset registry caches, both runtime and editor

public enum FAssetRegistryVersion

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumFAssetRegistryVersion
Implements IComparable, ISpanFormattable, IFormattable, IConvertible


PreVersioning0From before file versioning was implemented
HardSoftDependencies1The first version of the runtime asset registry to include file versioning.
AddAssetRegistryState2Added FAssetRegistryState and support for piecemeal serialization
ChangedAssetData3AssetData serialization format changed, versions before this are not readable
RemovedMD5Hash4Removed MD5 hash from package data
AddedHardManage5Added hard/soft manage references
AddedCookedMD5Hash6Added MD5 hash of cooked package to package data
AddedDependencyFlags7Added UE::AssetRegistry::EDependencyProperty to each dependency
FixedTags8Major tag format change that replaces USE_COMPACT_ASSET_REGISTRY:
WorkspaceDomain9Added Version information to AssetPackageData
PackageImportedClasses10Added ImportedClasses to AssetPackageData
PackageFileSummaryVersionChange11A new version number of UE5 was added to FPackageFileSummary
ObjectResourceOptionalVersionChange12Change to linker export/import resource serializationn
AddedChunkHashes13Added FIoHash for each FIoChunkId in the package to the AssetPackageData.
ClassPaths14Classes are serialized as path names rather than short object names, e.g. /Script/Engine.StaticMesh
RemoveAssetPathFNames15Asset bundles are serialized as FTopLevelAssetPath instead of FSoftObjectPath, deprecated FAssetData::ObjectPath
AddedHeader16Added header with bFilterEditorOnlyData flag
AssetPackageDataHasExtension17Added Extension to AssetPackageData.