
Namespace: UAssetAPI.UnrealTypes

Package flags, passed into UPackage::SetPackageFlags and related functions in the Unreal Engine

public enum EPackageFlags

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumEPackageFlags
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


PKG_None0No flags
PKG_NewlyCreated1Newly created package, not saved yet. In editor only.
PKG_ClientOptional2Purely optional for clients.
PKG_ServerSideOnly4Only needed on the server side.
PKG_CompiledIn16This package is from "compiled in" classes.
PKG_ForDiffing32This package was loaded just for the purposes of diffing
PKG_EditorOnly64This is editor-only package (for example: editor module script package)
PKG_Developer128Developer module
PKG_UncookedOnly256Loaded only in uncooked builds (i.e. runtime in editor)
PKG_Cooked512Package is cooked
PKG_ContainsNoAsset1024Package doesn't contain any asset object (although asset tags can be present)
PKG_UnversionedProperties8192Uses unversioned property serialization instead of versioned tagged property serialization
PKG_ContainsMapData16384Contains map data (UObjects only referenced by a single ULevel) but is stored in a different package
PKG_Compiling65536package is currently being compiled
PKG_ContainsMap131072Set if the package contains a ULevel/ UWorld object
PKG_PlayInEditor1048576Set if the package was created for the purpose of PIE
PKG_ContainsScript2097152Package is allowed to contain UClass objects
PKG_DisallowExport4194304Editor should not export asset in this package
PKG_DynamicImports268435456This package should resolve dynamic imports from its export at runtime.
PKG_RuntimeGenerated536870912This package contains elements that are runtime generated, and may not follow standard loading order rules
PKG_ReloadingForCooker1073741824This package is reloading in the cooker, try to avoid getting data we will never need. We won't save this package.
PKG_FilterEditorOnly2147483648Package has editor-only data filtered out