
Namespace: UAssetAPI

The main serializer for most property types in UAssetAPI.

public static class MainSerializer

Inheritance ObjectMainSerializer



public static String[] AdditionalPropertyRegistry;



public static IEnumerable<string> GetNamesOfAssembliesReferencedBy(Assembly assembly)


assembly Assembly



GenerateUnversionedHeader(List`1&, FName, FName, UAsset)

Generates an unversioned header based on a list of properties, and sorts the list in the correct order to be serialized.

public static FUnversionedHeader GenerateUnversionedHeader(List`1& data, FName parentName, FName parentModulePath, UAsset asset)


data List`1&
The list of properties to sort and generate an unversioned header from.

parentName FName
The name of the parent of all the properties.

parentModulePath FName
The path to the module that the parent class/struct of this property is contained within.

asset UAsset
The UAsset which the properties are contained within.



TypeToClass(FName, FName, AncestryInfo, FName, FName, UAsset, AssetBinaryReader, Int32, EPropertyTagFlags, Int32, Boolean, Boolean)

Initializes the correct PropertyData class based off of serialized name, type, etc.

public static PropertyData TypeToClass(FName type, FName name, AncestryInfo ancestry, FName parentName, FName parentModulePath, UAsset asset, AssetBinaryReader reader, int leng, EPropertyTagFlags propertyTagFlags, int ArrayIndex, bool includeHeader, bool isZero)


type FName
The serialized type of this property.

name FName
The serialized name of this property.

ancestry AncestryInfo
The ancestry of the parent of this property.

parentName FName
The name of the parent class/struct of this property.

parentModulePath FName
The path to the module that the parent class/struct of this property is contained within.

asset UAsset
The UAsset which this property is contained within.

reader AssetBinaryReader
The BinaryReader to read from. If left unspecified, you must call the PropertyData.Read(AssetBinaryReader, Boolean, Int64, Int64, PropertySerializationContext) method manually.

leng Int32
The length of this property on disk in bytes.

propertyTagFlags EPropertyTagFlags
Property tag flags, if available.

ArrayIndex Int32
The duplication index of this property.

includeHeader Boolean
Does this property serialize its header in the current context?

isZero Boolean
Is the body of this property empty?


A new PropertyData instance based off of the passed parameters.

Read(AssetBinaryReader, AncestryInfo, FName, FName, FUnversionedHeader, Boolean)

Reads a property into memory.

public static PropertyData Read(AssetBinaryReader reader, AncestryInfo ancestry, FName parentName, FName parentModulePath, FUnversionedHeader header, bool includeHeader)


reader AssetBinaryReader
The BinaryReader to read from. The underlying stream should be at the position of the property to be read.

ancestry AncestryInfo
The ancestry of the parent of this property.

parentName FName
The name of the parent class/struct of this property.

parentModulePath FName
The path to the module that the parent class/struct of this property is contained within.

header FUnversionedHeader
The unversioned header to be used when reading this property. Leave null if none exists.

includeHeader Boolean
Does this property serialize its header in the current context?


The property read from disk.


Reads an FProperty into memory. Primarily used as a part of StructExport serialization.

public static FProperty ReadFProperty(AssetBinaryReader reader)


reader AssetBinaryReader
The BinaryReader to read from. The underlying stream should be at the position of the FProperty to be read.


The FProperty read from disk.

WriteFProperty(FProperty, AssetBinaryWriter)

Serializes an FProperty from memory.

public static void WriteFProperty(FProperty prop, AssetBinaryWriter writer)


prop FProperty
The FProperty to serialize.

writer AssetBinaryWriter
The BinaryWriter to serialize the FProperty to.

ReadUProperty(AssetBinaryReader, FName)

Reads a UProperty into memory. Primarily used as a part of PropertyExport serialization.

public static UProperty ReadUProperty(AssetBinaryReader reader, FName serializedType)


reader AssetBinaryReader
The BinaryReader to read from. The underlying stream should be at the position of the UProperty to be read.

serializedType FName
The type of UProperty to be read.


The FProperty read from disk.

ReadUProperty(AssetBinaryReader, Type)

Reads a UProperty into memory. Primarily used as a part of PropertyExport serialization.

public static UProperty ReadUProperty(AssetBinaryReader reader, Type requestedType)


reader AssetBinaryReader
The BinaryReader to read from. The underlying stream should be at the position of the UProperty to be read.

requestedType Type
The type of UProperty to be read.


The FProperty read from disk.


Reads a UProperty into memory. Primarily used as a part of PropertyExport serialization.

public static T ReadUProperty<T>(AssetBinaryReader reader)

Type Parameters



reader AssetBinaryReader
The BinaryReader to read from. The underlying stream should be at the position of the UProperty to be read.


The FProperty read from disk.

WriteUProperty(UProperty, AssetBinaryWriter)

Serializes a UProperty from memory.

public static void WriteUProperty(UProperty prop, AssetBinaryWriter writer)


prop UProperty
The UProperty to serialize.

writer AssetBinaryWriter
The BinaryWriter to serialize the UProperty to.

Write(PropertyData, AssetBinaryWriter, Boolean)

Serializes a property from memory.

public static int Write(PropertyData property, AssetBinaryWriter writer, bool includeHeader)


property PropertyData
The property to serialize.

writer AssetBinaryWriter
The BinaryWriter to serialize the property to.

includeHeader Boolean
Does this property serialize its header in the current context?


The serial offset where the length of the property is stored.